A word or two about banjos...

There are similar jokes about other instruments, especially bagpipes. I like this one. Q: Why do bagpipers walk when they play? A: To get away from the noise.
But back to banjos. All those jokes are really very unfair. A friend of mine once pointed out to me that a banjo player can always draw a crowd, and most of the banjoists I've met have been friendly, helpful people. As an example I give you Mike Iverson from Utah who has provided, absolutely free, a wonderful online archive of tablature for the clawhammer banjo. (update 2023: Mike is working on updating his instructional material, as you'll see if you visit his website)
The picture shows a far younger version of myself with an old 'Broadcaster' banjo which was covered in tasteful yellow pearlite. Apparently this is known in the banjo trade as 'Mother of Toilet Seat'. This photo is from the late eighties when The Moles were at their peak.
Ha ha!,very funny. I love that period set photo of you. I am proud to say that I am a big fan of Bluegrass!